I’m a little late posting this one, because it’s still a project in the making! I’ve been interested in the Cathedral Window pattern for a very long time. One of my best friends since 1st grade had one of these quilts hanging in her living room. Her mom made it by hand and was taught by her great aunt – or something like that. It’s kind of hard to remember – that was 50 years ago!
I stopped in for a visit in my old neighborhood recently, to have a cup of tea and visit with “Noni McRae” – this little old Italian lady who I have always adored. I asked her if she could show me how to make a Cathedral Window Quilt block. Her memory is not so great anymore – but she tried her best; folding and unfolding, cutting and snipping and folding some more – till I sort of understood where she was going with this. We had a lovely visit and I thanked her graciously for showing me the block, and I went on my merry way – with a brand new interest in learning how to make a Cathedral Window quilt!!
I must say, that the instructions I received were not complete – so I went on to research the technique and found that there were not a lot of people out there doing this by hand anymore. I understand we live in an “instant” society – but I didn’t want this age old pattern to die, so I took it upon myself to make a video to teach anyone who loves to hand sew – how to go about making one of these quilts.
Well, to make the video – I needed to make the quilt; and I have to say that I have very limited time to sit and hand stitch an entire quilt. So I decided to start it in January when I flew to Florida for a family vacation and then I took it with me again in March when I moved my sister from Miami to Boston during a 5 day road trip. Maybe you’ll see your town in the video!
So I applaud you Noni!! Thank you so much for all your effort – this one’s for you!